The "Friends of CHF" category allows for consultants and firms to gain access to the Coalition's most revered benefit - the daily e-newsletter. These timely “Member Updates” contain intelligence and professional analysis on the budget process and health funding, in general.
The “Friends of CHF” affiliate category is open to all consultants and firms, regardless of whether or not the clients are members of the Coalition. Dues for this category are $1,500 per year.
Friends of CHF do not have access to closed members-only meetings with policymakers and do not have voting rights, unless the individual represents a client who is a dues-paying, Coalition member.
All Friends of CHF are subject to approval by the Coalition’s Board of Directors. Apply here.

Note: As of January 1, 2016, consultants are no longer allowed to receive the Member Updates through their clients' dues and must join as a "Friend" to continue receiving this benefit. However, consultants who represent Coalition members and who serve as their clients’ only government relations staff may continue to receive full benefits through their clients’ membership dues.
Questions about joining the “Friends of CHF,” please contact our Executive Director Emily Holubowich.