About CHF
The Coalition for Health Funding is the oldest and largest nonprofit alliance working to preserve and strengthen public health investments in the best interest of all Americans. Our member organizations together represent more than 100 million patients and consumers, health providers, professionals, and researchers.
Since 1970, the Coalition has advocated for increased investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Indian Health Service (IHS), and the Administration for Community Living (ACL), among others.
Our diverse membership unites in the belief that all federal agencies and programs play a critical role in helping people live healthier, longer lives. Federal public health agencies create, translate and implement new knowledge through an interdependent continuum of programs that expand access to care, improve health care quality, lower health care costs, enhance safety, prepare for and respond to emergencies, and discover new cures. These goals are only achievable with strong and sustained funding for a continuum of biomedical, behavioral, social, and health services research; community based prevention strategies; health care services for the medically underserved; and education of a robust health professions workforce.